Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Hidden Buddha Hidden Christ


Hidden Buddha Hidden Christ

Including All We Are

Jul 26, 2015

Saying For Today: The true Heart already includes all, for the true Heart has no fear or ignorance to shut out any tint of Light.


Living in LOVE beyond Beliefs



*Priya Saihgal, Diversity ..., Flickr

Sat Narayan is True Sustainer
Wahe Guru is indescribable Wisdom
Hari Narayan is creative sustenance
Sat Nam is True Identity

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If I exclude from my embrace any expression of Grace, I have excluded part of who we truly are, and, so in some way, I am less of who I am, regardless of my reasons for the exclusion. By including one expression of the diversity of Grace, I have become more of who I am. I am, in some sense, more Love and we are more Love. Otherness is no longer a threat, only another way my deepest me is living in this world.

*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

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I live near my office, in a room I rent monthly. The area is lovely, set amidst fields of varied crops and lovely woods, with meandering dark-water creeks. But living like this, and at a place where the owners are wonderful persons and conservative religiously, I have kept my beautiful, carved Buddha from Indonesia, which traveled with me many years, at my dad's home. There it is covered, out of respect for my conservative Baptist birth family and the persons I rent from. Hopefully, one day I will live somewhere I can un-hide the image.

But does hiding an image of Buddha really, finally, matter? Some would see this as disrespectul - I do not. I see it in the spirit of Buddha to hide an image of Buddha out of respect for those who are simply not prepared to receive the intimations of Peace in those eyes. This question is alike the question, "Can anyone hide the Christ?" Or, "Can anyone hide the I?" Does not Grace look out of the eyes of apparent evil and gaze upon us in Wonder?

To me, hiding an image of Buddha or any expression of Grace, such as Jesus, is a recognition that we are not yet as a human species prepared even to tolerate the graceful diversity we are and God is. We speak, sing, write, and dance of Love, yet, sadly, we have not stabilized ourselves socially yet even in tolerance.

Heaven to me is a being including all rays of the Sun of Love. The true Heart already includes all, for the true Heart has no fear or ignorance to shut out any tint of Light. As Love internalizes Itself within us, we rejoice in the Many-Splendored faces of Grace.

By loving the diversity of Love, I love Love and welcome the Kindness of this Effulgence into myself. I come to see I am myself, even in this human disguise, a face of one Grace, and Oneness does not rely on how I believe or feel at any moment. To say I am becoming means I am becoming I am. I am does not discriminate, but welcomes all Love as an expression of its own being Love. And you, too....

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*Lotus of the Heart is a Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi ~ a Hospice Chaplain, interspiritual author, writer, poet, and bicyclist. He is someone in love with Life and inviting others to that same ecstasy of Love ~ and, by the way, herein is nothing he claims as his own.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Hidden Buddha Hidden Christ

©Brian Wilcox 2024